Saturday 16th July – Hallglen, Falkirk10:30 – 11:15 Sprint Race 1 – Hallglen - Hallglen Sports Centre - FK1 2PS (WRE, Scottish and UK Urban League)
14:15 – 15:00 Sprint Race 2 – Hallglen - Hallglen Sports Centre - FK1 2PS
19:00 – 20:00 Evening talk by Heather Monro in Stirling - Stirling Albert Halls - FK8 2QL
Venue - Hallglen Sports Centre, Islands Crescent, Falkirk, FK1 2PS (NS889785). Open from 9:30 until 16:00. Toilets, showers and hall for changing and leaving bags/valuables.
Public Transport – 1.2km from Falkirk High train station, 2.2km from Falkirk Grahamston train station. Approach along Falkirk Rd / Glen Brae (B8028) then New Hallglen Road rather than through the park and the terrain. Bus numbers 1 and 29 stop closeby - and
Parking – Along Glenburn Road, Hallglen, Falkirk. 150m walk to the Sports Centre.
Local facilities – Very limited shopping/fast food adjacent to the Sports Centre.
Entry on the day – Subject to map availability. Registration at the Sports Centre.
Map – 1:4000, 2.5m contour interval. Survey 2015 G Gristwood, updates 2016 K Jones. A4 waterproof paper.
Terrain – Never used for a competition. Complex housing estate on a slope, with many passages, steps, steep banks, grassy areas and barriers. Longer courses will also visit part of Callander Park.
Warm up area - Available adjacent to the start (see map below).
Start – Morning and afternoon starts less than 250m from the Sports Centre. Afternoon competitors will have to cross a road during the call up process before the race begins.
Call up - 3 minutes
Finish- Both morning and afternoon finishes are less than 250m from the Sports Centre.
Download - All competitors must report to download whether completing the course or not.
Artificial barrier – Courses 1 and 2 will encounter an impassable fence constructed out of tape.
Spectator control – Morning competitors will pass the arena after around 500m. Courses 1 and 2 will have a spectator control at this point.
Control descriptions - Available loose at the start (printed on the maps too)
Map change - Courses 1-3 (morning) and 1-2 (afternoon) have a map change for clarity. Both maps are printed on one page and labelled.
Out of bounds – All housing estate areas, except those marked on the warm up map below, are Out of Bounds until after the afternoon competition.
Hazards - Slow moving traffic, steep banks, steps, stony areas, dogs, general public and residents.
Timing system - SPORTident
Clothing - Shorts and vests permitted. Shoes with grip recommended. Areas with long grass.
Embargoed area - As on the British Orienteering website.
Courses close – Morning 12:00. Afternoon 15:45.
First Aid - A&E Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Stirling Rd, Larbert FK5 4WR.
World Ranking Event specific information (morning race only, courses 1 and 2)
Start list - Based on World Ranking 10th July.
GPS devices - With display or audible feedback must not be worn
Map collection - Until 11:15
Winning time - 12-15 minutes
Complaints / Jury - By 11:45 to Graham Gristwood. Jury to be confirmed (info available on the day).
Planner Kris Jones (FVO), Controller Rob Hickling (GRAMP), Organiser Fanni Gyurko (FVO), Co-ordinator Graham Gristwood 07821 788885 [email protected] (FVO), IOF Event Advisor Ted Finch (FVO)
14:15 – 15:00 Sprint Race 2 – Hallglen - Hallglen Sports Centre - FK1 2PS
19:00 – 20:00 Evening talk by Heather Monro in Stirling - Stirling Albert Halls - FK8 2QL
Venue - Hallglen Sports Centre, Islands Crescent, Falkirk, FK1 2PS (NS889785). Open from 9:30 until 16:00. Toilets, showers and hall for changing and leaving bags/valuables.
Public Transport – 1.2km from Falkirk High train station, 2.2km from Falkirk Grahamston train station. Approach along Falkirk Rd / Glen Brae (B8028) then New Hallglen Road rather than through the park and the terrain. Bus numbers 1 and 29 stop closeby - and
Parking – Along Glenburn Road, Hallglen, Falkirk. 150m walk to the Sports Centre.
Local facilities – Very limited shopping/fast food adjacent to the Sports Centre.
Entry on the day – Subject to map availability. Registration at the Sports Centre.
Map – 1:4000, 2.5m contour interval. Survey 2015 G Gristwood, updates 2016 K Jones. A4 waterproof paper.
Terrain – Never used for a competition. Complex housing estate on a slope, with many passages, steps, steep banks, grassy areas and barriers. Longer courses will also visit part of Callander Park.
Warm up area - Available adjacent to the start (see map below).
Start – Morning and afternoon starts less than 250m from the Sports Centre. Afternoon competitors will have to cross a road during the call up process before the race begins.
Call up - 3 minutes
Finish- Both morning and afternoon finishes are less than 250m from the Sports Centre.
Download - All competitors must report to download whether completing the course or not.
Artificial barrier – Courses 1 and 2 will encounter an impassable fence constructed out of tape.
Spectator control – Morning competitors will pass the arena after around 500m. Courses 1 and 2 will have a spectator control at this point.
Control descriptions - Available loose at the start (printed on the maps too)
Map change - Courses 1-3 (morning) and 1-2 (afternoon) have a map change for clarity. Both maps are printed on one page and labelled.
Out of bounds – All housing estate areas, except those marked on the warm up map below, are Out of Bounds until after the afternoon competition.
Hazards - Slow moving traffic, steep banks, steps, stony areas, dogs, general public and residents.
Timing system - SPORTident
Clothing - Shorts and vests permitted. Shoes with grip recommended. Areas with long grass.
Embargoed area - As on the British Orienteering website.
Courses close – Morning 12:00. Afternoon 15:45.
First Aid - A&E Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Stirling Rd, Larbert FK5 4WR.
World Ranking Event specific information (morning race only, courses 1 and 2)
Start list - Based on World Ranking 10th July.
GPS devices - With display or audible feedback must not be worn
Map collection - Until 11:15
Winning time - 12-15 minutes
Complaints / Jury - By 11:45 to Graham Gristwood. Jury to be confirmed (info available on the day).
Planner Kris Jones (FVO), Controller Rob Hickling (GRAMP), Organiser Fanni Gyurko (FVO), Co-ordinator Graham Gristwood 07821 788885 [email protected] (FVO), IOF Event Advisor Ted Finch (FVO)